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Born in 2011, C.A.S.T.E.R. a.r.l. Società Cooperativa is constituted by a group of young people mainly specialised in tourism and cultural topics. Their mission includes tangibly supporting access to services and activities, enhancing and recovering the historic and artistic heritage of the local territory, and finally promoting food and beverage excellence.

The cooperative stipulated a partnership with the council of the town more than ten years ago and it’s responsible of the management of Palazzo del Trono and all the institutions within: Museo dei Brettii e del Mare, its restoration laboratory, and the public library. C.A.S.T.E.R. also manages hospitality and information services at the tourist dockyard of the port of Cetraro.

The experience in the cultural tourism field is the strong point of the cooperative, been it acquired through skills and constant expertise improvement along with several internships, estabilished on the base of protocol agreements with companies, schools, local authorities, and academic associations and corporations. Lately, thanks to the adjudications of regional calls for bids, C.A.S.T.E.R. has been able to build up important scientific projects, including archeological researches and activities of turistic exploitation that have contributed to ongoing activities such as:

  • Tours to discover history, culture, and nature through digital devices for an easy access;
  • Educational and practical workshops about archeology and restoration of cultural objects;
  • Archeological researches under the scientific corporation of Università di Messina;
  • Speleological analysis under the scientific direction of Centro Regionale di Speleologia “Enzo dei Medici”;
  • Planning and management of permanent and temporary exhibitions;
  • Digitalization of historic, archival, artistic, and monumental objects; 
  • Diagnostic analysis of land and underground;
  • Apps development for the promotion of hospitality services, landscape, and cultural attractions of local areas;
  • Planning of preservative renovations of cultural and historic items, including paintings and sculptures, in cooperation with skilled professionals and under the scientific coordination of Soprintendenza ABAP of Cosenza.

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